Hi! I'm Peyton and I'm already a month old!! Mommy has really neglected her blog. I'm on it guys, don't worry...we have lots to blog about. Keep checking in, happy Monday!
Before we go, I'd like to mention a few key things that have happened in my short month of life:
-the Aggie women's basketball team won the national championship! Whoop!
-William and Kate's Royal Wedding
-ding dong Osama's dead (cue Wizard of Oz music)
-Mariah Carey had her twins Monroe and Morocco
-gas prices have sky rocketed...dislike
-Daddy finished 2nd year of medical school...now onto STEP 1 studying
-Lots of birthdays...Mommy, Grandi, April, Brytni, Robert, Allison, Craig, and our favorite twin boys who turned 1 year old! (photo borrowed from their mama's blog til I can figure how to access mine! Grr)