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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

16 weeks with baby #2


How far along: 16 weeks 2 days
size of baby: an avocado
Gender: a sweet boy!
Weight gain: 2 lbs 
Maternity clothes: Some, but I mainly wear comfy leggings and stretch jeans from Target. I went ahead and unpacked all of my maternity clothes and put away my summer clothes.
Stretch marks: no, but I got them towards the end with P
Belly button in or out: no change
Sleep: up a lot to go to the restroom or to switch sides with my Preggle pillow
Best moment this week: finding out what baby #2 is
Worst moment this week:  Sorry for the TMI, but peeing when I cough or sneeze :( Ahh! Josh thinks it's hilarious. I follow another mama's blog and she had the same thing happen to her!
Miss anything: sleeping on my stomach
Movement: maybe some flutters? Not sure.
Cravings or aversions: Carbs always sound good to me. I'm currently grossed out by sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and the smell of raw meat cooking. 
Symptoms: fullness/soreness in my lower stomach, sore chest, some mood swings (sorry Joshie!)
Looking forward to: Finalizing a name and listening to baby's hearbeat. I got this pocket doppler in the mail and I love it! Peyton is really into it as well.

He wanted to lay by me while we did the gender scan. So cute :)
blue cake pop! (and God bless America! He love his flag.)
Our elf, "Christmas" joined in the celebration!


  1. Yay! Yay! Yay! We are so happy for y'all and can't wait to meet Baby Boy Russell!

  2. I pee on myself too! Only I'll be standing there and it'll happen (usually when my bladder is really full), and I'm not even pregnant! Guess that'll be something to look forward to when we decide to go for Baby #2!

  3. The peeing comment was from me! For some reason it won't let me sign! --Brytni

  4. lololol. you and Brytni have both cracked me up with the peeing comments.. I think it's just a girl thing. You know me and my small bladder ;)


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