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Monday, January 6, 2014

20 weeks: Halfway there and an appearance from my future nephew!

Due in late May/early June: Elijah Aaron and baby Russell #2!

How far along: 20 weeks
size of baby: a banana
Gender: baby boy! (I *think* it's between 2 names, hopefully we can share soon!)
Weight gain: 2 lbs...haven't stepped on the scale for a few days
Maternity clothes: yes, with the exception of  my black stretchy skinny jeans
Stretch marks: I've been using this cream twice a day. I feel like my old stretch marks are itching and you can feel the indentions.
Belly button in or out: starting to look less deep
Sleep: hit or miss, still having crazy dreams
Best moment this week: Seeing Peyton play with his uncles and Josh's parents, and getting to see my sister-in-law Chelsey and her baby bump! We're due 6 days apart and both of us are having boys. They're going to be best buds!
Worst moment this week: nothing really
Miss anything: my husband! We'll be back in Minnesota next Friday. So thankful that he let me have this long trip to Texas before baby comes.
Movement: a little each day, but it's very faint. I know his kicks will only get stronger.
Cravings or aversions: chex mix sounded awesome the other day and the smell of spinach cooking made me nauseous
Symptoms: Itchy stomach and back pain
Looking forward to: Soaking up my last few days in Texas. They weather in MN is looking brutal. I've also been reading Baby Wise and I'm excited so far. I hope we can help this baby be a better sleeper.

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