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Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Russells Secede from Texas!

Well it's been almost two years since my last post! I went back to teaching after my maternity leave and life got pretty busy. We're now done with medical school and living in Rochester, MN where Josh will begin his surgery residency.

Josh and I made the trip up here and my parents flew up with Peyton a few days later. Here's our new place! Hooray for a 3rd bedroom! hint, hint visitors :)

I don't know if I could have survived the 2 day trip without my audio book to Redeeming Love. What an amazing book! It's a Christian novel that follows the story of Hosea and Gomer during the Gold Rush. I love all of the different layers and clever elements, and it's not preachy. I totally recommend it! (and will probably read it again and again)

Peyton loves our new state. It is so cute how he says Minnesota. We went to the Mall of America after we picked them up from the airport. Another reason to come visit ;) Here's us at the Rainforest Cafe

There's a huge theme park inside the mall called Nickelodeon Universe. We took Peyton there on another visit to the mall. His favorite ride was where he got to "drive" a semi truck. I think he rode it three times. 

There's also a huge Lego store with giant lego sculptures. They said it took 6 months to build them, with 160 people broken into 3 8-hour shifts. So someone was working on the statues around the clock. Crazy! 

I'm so happy that we're adjusting so well. Sadly, the worst part of our move was the "waiting game" leading up to in. Now that we're here, it's time to dive in and enjoy the ride. I leave you with our latest adventure...Peyton having the toddler rail on his crib. Below is a picture of him from our Dropcam calling out to me at nap time. I love my big boy!


  1. Glad I was subscribed to you!!! It's fun to read about y'all's new adventures!!! Hope y'all keep enjoying it!!!

  2. Can't believe you're reading Redeeming Love. I read it a couple years ago. Couldn't put it down. Thank GOD that He, like Hosea, hasn't given up on me..what a blessed thought!


Thank so much for sharing your thoughts. We love reading them!