So I thought I'd do a little tribute post to my Mom & Dad since they rock! The picture above is them circa 1983...aren't they cute? They were high school sweethearts that met before my Mom's junior year and my Dad's senior year. There is a questionable possibility that they met at a middle school dance and my Mom turned my Dad down when he asked her to dance...but we won't mention that ;) My Dad "thinks" he was a nerd but as you can see by the picture his nerdiness was the fact that he was smart, not in the way he looked. So they got hitched in 1983 after my Dad's first year of dental school. They then went on to have two beautiful daughters (ahem). Poor Dad, surrounded by all those women. At least he had golf! huh, honey...
Yeah, still can't believe that happened. I was 18 at the time and pretty embarrassed of my Dad's "joke" on national television. But it was a great experience we shared and something I'll always have to talk about. I love them so much and hate that I live so far away from them...boo.

I had forgotten you told me about Oprah! So funny! You're parents are so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter too! Tell them hello for us!