I loved this sign...
All the kiddies enjoying the tractor ride.
Some pretty flowers by the entrance.
The Lilies with Denise and Josh...entering the first phase of the Maize.
Lilies and Russells!
Throughout both phases of the Maize we kind of switched off on who the leader was and here is our turn! Notice how dusty our shoes and jeans got. There were also lots of nats...we carefully calculated that we each inhaled about 3.5 million.
Josh P. trying to scare Denise.
This guy was in the viewing tower to make sure there was "no cussin', no smokin' and no kissin'" (our group broke 2 of the rules)
Pretty sunset from the observation stairs right before we finished phase 2. (Just in the nick of time since we didn't have flashlights)
"WE FINISHED" success pose...
AND finally we took Christmas card photos. (It was dark out and we didn't realize that the men were in the woman's cut out lol)
We had such a fun evening. A word to the wise: If you want some of their homemade kettle korn, make sure you order it before going through the maize. There was over an hour wait! Sad day. If you ever go, help a pregnant sister out and buy me some!
P.s. A blog post on Baby Russell is underway...I've had multiple requests!
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