See how many people there were?
Our boys had lots of customers ready to try their chili
Look at their creative display...bones from Craig and Alyse's house in Castroville
Josh presenting the chili to the judges
So proud of our boys and their hard work!
Charles and his teammate Ata. Their group was called "Burning at Both Ends". They ended up winning the spiciest chili division. He used dried ghost peppers! No, I didn't try any. But I'm sure that once April rolls around I will be knocking on his door for some. (doesn't spicy food make you go into labor?)
Jonathan and Sarah (and Baby G!) Their chili had some interesting ingredients like coffee and brown sugar.
The tooth fairy even showed up! (she had hot pink tights with white fish nets over them)
This group was called the Haiti Mateys and they won best display
We were proud to know the spiciest chili winners! Kristi, Charles, and Ata (Hello Chloe and Wyatt!)
Overall we had a lot of fun. There were free drinks, good music, and our team will be reimbursed for their expenses. Josh can't wait to try again 4th year. Maybe he will get in the Halloween spirit like everyone else and pull out his Larry costume...
Larry and his white trash arm candy, Halloween 2006 (yes I'm wearing ankle boots)

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